Человек-оркестр, - практически все вопросы современной электроники описаны одним автором. Имя его - Howard M. Berlin. Некоторые из книг несколько раз переиздавались в разные годы, то есть востребованы. К сожалению в сети ничего не нашёл, придётся воспользоваться публичкой

Данная подборка является хорошим введением в современную электронику.
1. Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments by Howard M. Berlin 1981
2. The Illustrated Electronic Dictionary by Howard M. Berlin 1990
3. 555 Timer Applications Source Book by Howard M. Berlin 1979
4. The 555 Timer Applications Sourcebook, with Experiments. Techniques, Applications, and Experiments Using the 555 IC Timer. by Howard M. BERLIN 1977
5. The 555 Timer Applications Source Book with Experiments by Howard M. Berlin, David G. Larsen, and Peter R. Rony 1976
6. Op-Amp Circuits and Principles by Howard M. Berlin 1991
7. Experiments in Electronic Devices by Howard M. Berlin 1988
8. Experiments in Electronic Devices: To Accompany Floyd's Electronic Devices and Electron Devices, Electron-Flow by Howard M. Berlin and Thomas L. Floyd 1999
9. Design of active filters, with experiments by Howard M Berlin 1979
10. Active Filters Heath kit by Howard M Berlin 1981
11. Design of Operational Amplifier Circuits by Howard M. Berlin 1979
12. Principles of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement by Howard M. Berlin and Frank C. Getz 1988
13. The design of operational amplifier circuits, with experiments by Howard M Berlin 1978
14. Experiments in Instrumentation and Measurement by Howard M. Berlin and Frank C. Getz 1988
15. Guide to CMOS Basics, Circuits & Experiments by Howard M. Berlin 1979
16. The design of active filters with experiments: Introduction to theory, implementation, and design of active filters using the 741 operational amplifiers by Howard M Berlin 1977
17. Digital electronics: Fundamentals, applications, and experiments by Howard M Berlin 1985